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Chinese Deluxe

Seafood Soup

          Chinese Deluxe Seafood Soup is one of the most famous ancient Chinese dishes in China. The origin of this dish goes all the way back to Qing Dynasty. The legend said that this dish was so delicious even the Budda wanted to climb over the fence to have a taste, hence the name.  

          The soup is made of ingredients such as sea cucumber, abalone and scallop. Its Health Benefits includes providing collagen, strengthening immune system, lowering blood pressure and so much more.

           佛跳牆,集鮑魚、海參、干貝、蹄筋、魚唇、栗子、蓮子等各式滋補營養食材于一爐,各味相互滲透融會,煨燉至軟嫩柔潤。 食材內具有多量膠質,對養顏美容極有功效,營養價值極高。對孕婦產前進補產後調養,對孩童可活血強骨、增強體質, 對老人調理五臟、修復虛癆、強肝補血,皆極具功效!

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